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CULT – The Art Salon – Music Poetry Performance
19 March 2015 @ 12:00 am

http://http://www.amazon.co.uk/Bowies-Piano-Man-Life-Garson/dp/178196131X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1426096075&sr=8-1&keywords=Bowies+piano+manC.U.L.T¬Ý Yannis‚Äô unholy love child of an Art Salon has left the building for Greece and I have stormed in. Artists talking about their work being cross examined by members and the audience was the past. The last two have been terrific.This one is ALL About Mixing it Up. Poetry music Faction and a chance to read for newcommers each month. Currently we have Clifford Slapper on Mike Garson(David Bowies piano man on 19 records, responsible for the Aladin Sane sound) Otis Coulter on piano, Sophie Parkin on Poetry, Sophie Dean on writing Updates and more will be revealed of The Talent to Watch…. here’s Otis singing with his mum Sarah Jane Morris at Ronnie Scotts Otis Coulterhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3roSrfvaU0&list=PLkyYVxwddtVDWCRnTuIKC8fYJABbeoJWh&index=4