Nick Jolly’s birthday drinks….
If you haven't seen this amazing show come down
If you haven't seen this amazing show come down
In the Stash Gallery - Know Yourself - Sophie Parkin's Palladium's her new and older work is a study of self-portraits as other women forgotten by time who should be better remembered. As women we see ourselves within each other, melding our lives and identities with other women is a natural thing when all our …
Invite Only. Members.
Felicity Gill Being Human In an age of social media and selfie sticks, the image we portray of ourselves can be a little superficial ‚Äì more focussed on what we do than who we are, what we think or how we feel. As a portrait painter, Felicity Gill captures more than just moments. She searches …
Dress Visionary or¬Ý Neo Naturist
We might have had press freedom taken away, we might be careering into an abscess of megalomania Narcissism - Toad of toad hall at the steering wheel But at least us Brits know how to laugh at ourselves.... occasionally we'll need some help from the brilliant beauty Mel Brooks. The original and still the best.